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 on 22 May 2013 by Natalia Latina in News and curiosities

Los juguetes con los que jugaban nuestros padres

Aunque te parezca raro, tu padre también fue un niño y, por supuesto, dedicaba buena parte de su tiempo a jugar como hacías tú cuando eras pequeño. ¿Quieres ver cómo eran algunos de sus juguetes...?

  Si preguntamos a nuestros padres con qué jugaban cuando eran niños, en el 95 por ciento de los casos nos van a responder que con una pelota; unos cuantos nos dirán que su pelota estaba hecha con trapos y podrían contarnos que jugaban a una especie de hockey primitivo con palos a modo de sticks y una piedra que hacía las veces de disco.

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 on 11 Mar 2013 by Natalia Latina in News and curiosities

Make Your Girl Very Happy This Valentine’s Day

In addition to hugging and kissing her and cuddling a bit, it’s also a good idea to give your wife, girlfriend or lover a little gift this year for Valentine’s Day. She’ll remember the gift forevermore and you’ll have scored a whole bunch of points...

  We’re pretty sure the Heart Love Message Mug is just perfect for girlfriends who are like coffee and poetry, and you’ll come out ahead with this gift, because she won’t just use it to remind you of all those boring errands you promised to run, she’ll also write you little love notes. And if she likes coffee or tea and also happens to have more followers than you do on Twitter, don’t think twice about getting her a Twitter Hash Mug, she'll be tremendously thrilled and feel deeply admired and loved by you.

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 on 5 Feb 2013 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Concurso de diseño de camisetas en con la colaboración de Curiosite es una tienda online de camisetas muy particular, porque sus diseños están creados por los ganadores de los concursos que convocan de forma continuada. La temática de su última convocatoria: la mítica década de los ochenta.

  En las camisetas las puede diseñar cualquiera..., incluso tú, porque todo el que quiera puede presentar su propuesta de diseño, que será sometida a votación popular durante una semana. Después seleccionará a un ganador entre las propuestas más votadas, que no solo verán su diseño impreso sobre una camiseta que podrá comprar y lucir un montón de gente, sino que también recibirán un sustancioso premio en metálico.

El último concurso que acaba de lanzar propone una temática que os va a encantar: los años ochenta y todo lo que nos los traiga de nuevo a la memoria, como los videojuegos arcade, las series que ponían en la tele durante "aquellos maravillosos años" o los juguetes que hacían furor y que si no los tenías te convertías en un paria, como el cubo de Rubik.

El concurso se abrió el 15 de enero y los diseños se podrán enviar hasta el 5 de febrero.

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 on 15 Jan 2013 by Natalia Latina in News and curiosities

Gifts for Female Friends

Your best friend, friends from school, university, your hometown... Whatever the occasion, choosing gifts for female friends is always a delicate matter, whether it’s to celebrate her birthday or a token to show how much you appreciate her friendship...

  Since we know hitting the nail on the head and getting the perfect present makes you very happy, we’re want to help you find the perfect gift... Whatever her personality, there’s something for her here at Curiosite. For instance, your friend the workaholic who’s addicted to caffeine will love the Headline Takeaway Mug since she can use it to fuel up on her way to the office without losing a single minute.

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 on 14 Aug 2012 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Gifts for Photographers

Thanks to smartphones and their built-in cameras, we are experiencing a boom in amateur photography. That’s why Curiosite has a selection of gifts for amateur photographers, beginners, or seasoned professionals. And it includes more than just cameras...

  We bet you know at least one or two photographers... Even if it’s just that friend of yours who discovered started taking photos of pretty doorways on his travels and on jaunts around the city. No doubt even the most experienced among your photo enthusiast friends would love to have a build-it-yourself pinhole camera, like the Recesky DIY Camera Kit, our most coveted "do it yourself" camera, or the very “curious” Paint Can Pinhole Camera, which is easy to use and takes very original-looking photos.

In our selection of gifts for photographers, we’ve also thought of gifts for toy camera enthusiasts.

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 on 8 Aug 2012 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Gift Shops in Madrid

If you want to practice the delicate art of choosing the perfect gift, there are plenty of shops in Madrid, particularly in the neighborhood of Malasaña, where you’ll find gifts to suit all tastes. Or most of them, anyway…

  Your weird little nephew’s birthday, a wedding gift for that distant cousin you’re not really all that fond of, or a goodbye gift for your long-time colleague who is finally about to retire… Life is full of gift-giving occasions. And we’re all really pretty sick of always getting people the same gifts... But most of us simply don’t have time to rack our brains trying to be original and make sure the person we’re getting a gift for won’t respond with their best poker face when they open the package.

If you’re looking for a pretty gift with a romantic and retro touch, you’ll have a hard time choosing among the wide selection of products at Nest Boutique (Plaza de San Ildefonso, 3 - 91 523 10 61), one of Madrid’s most charming gift shops.

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 on 20 Jul 2012 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Mother’s Day Gifts 2012

Have you chosen a gift for Mom yet? Well, you’d better get going because Mother’s Day is just around the corner... We’ve decided to help you make that decision by preparing this selection of Mother's Day gifts.

  There as many types of mothers as there are women with children in the world… But that’s no problem for us, because we have loads of ideas for Mother’s Day gifts, and we’re sure one of them will be just perfect for your mom. For instance, if your mom is an avid reader, we suggest the Flexo Book Light, available in four different colors, one is sure to be her favorite...

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 on 19 Apr 2012 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Selection of Original Father’s Day Gifts for 2012

We’ve prepared this selection of original Father’s Day gifts so that in 2012 you can give your dad something completely different. We’re hoping you’ll surprise him, because most dads already have a considerable stock of ties tucked away in the closet...

  One gift that simply must appear on any list of original Father's Day gifts is this Scratch Map; it's guaranteed to be a hit, especially if your dad loves traveling. Although, if your dad is a bit absent-minded, you might do very well with this Key Locator Keychain Whistle: or the Loc8tor, which he can also use to find other items such as his glasses or mobile phone.

Or, perhaps your dad is an ex-hippie? Our selection of original Father’s Day gifts also includes gifts that are a bit more in tune with the counter-culture...

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 on 1 Mar 2012 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts

Our selection of original Christmas gifts

We’re hoping to make your Christmas shopping a little easier this year, so we've taken great pains to prepare this selection of original Christmas gifts. Because, we really hope this year you'll (finally) find the perfect gift for everyone on your list.

  After racking our brains, it occurred to us that the one gift in our selection of original Christmas gifts that’s perfect for just about anyone (including friends, partners, parents, and even your boss) is the 2012 Bubble Wrap Calendar because it’s not only practical and has a cool design, it’s also a lot of fun: there’s no better way to kick off the New Year than by working off your stress popping the bubble that corresponds to January 1st…

And if you need to smooth things over with your spouse this Christmas, we recommend you get them the Husband Cutting Board, a product you can use every day to show your “partner” that you still haven’t lost your great sense of humor...

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 on 29 Nov 2011 by Natalia Latina in Unusual gifts
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Me gusta pero no sé el precio

- Lola,
16 May 2017
saddening story of doraemon..

- prativa,
24 Jan 2017

- Luis,
21 Jan 2017
Link de vaho:

- Jose Luis,
11 Jan 2017
quiero una pulsera

- madeline,
6 Dec 2016
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